Make a Payment


Please see below the different payment methods for your CG policy. If you require any assistance, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Automatically save when you renew and pay for your home or motor policy through our online portal.  It’s quick and simple to register if you do not have an online account. Once registered, you may pay your renewal online when your renewal notice becomes available.



Please have your debit/credit card details ready so we can process the transaction while you are on the phone.

+1 441 296 3700




Jardine House
33-35 Reid Street

Regular Business Hours
8:30am to 5:00pm weekdays

We accept cash, check and debit/credit card.


Bank transfer

Simply set up CG Insurance as a Payee in your online banking and use your CG policy number as the payee account number. If you do not have our online banking information, you can contact us to receive the necessary information to make a transfer. 



Send your check and invoice details to:

CG Insurance
PO Box HM 1559
Hamilton HM FX

Please include your CG policy number.